
On this page MarcoP showed a significant item.

“A calamarium, or “theca” (Greek: θήκη)  is a symbol of prefect’s power.
A decorated case, on a tripod, holding writing tools for juridical judgements. The three layers represent juridical power flowing from the Emperors, through the structure of the Empire, down to the stylus of the prefect.”

La theca del praefectus urbis Romae tiene ciertas particularidades: en el primer registro, dos personajes en pie; en el segundo, el busto del emperador, el tercero, trazos verticales sin determinada simbologia.


The theca of the praefect  of Rome has certain peculiarities: in the first register, two standing characters; In the second, the bust of the emperor, the third, vertical strokes without certain symbology.

Spanisch: una theca,  donde estaria el rotulum que , por su parte, contenia las largitiones concedidas; la sugerencia de este hoptesis me ha sido sugerida por el Prof. Dr. Pedro.

Of a theca, where there would be the rotulum, which, in turn, contained the donations granted; The suggestion of this hypothesis has been suggested to me by Prof. Dr. Pedro.


Similar object found under atramentaria, writers tools.

See also

It seems these instruments are all used for writing:

Para la escritura en papiro o pergamino se utilizaba el Cálamus scriptorius, instrumento afilado hecho de de caña de junco y la pluma de ave. Se guardaban en el calamarium o en un estuche apropiado para la plumas y el tintero denominado Theca calamaría.


For the writing in papyrus or parchment was used the Cálamus scriptorius, sharp instrument made of of cane of reed and the pen of bird. They were stored in the calamarium or in an appropriate case for the feathers and the inkpot called Theca calamaría.


General Research Division, The New York Public Library. (1762). A. Calamus; B. Graphiarium ex orichalco, aliove metallo elaboratum; C. Theca calamaria area, interior; D. Theca calamaria coriacea, exterior e vertice graphiarii catenula vel funiculo appensa; E. .. forma est Voluminis Tibetani funiculis colligati more Malabarum, aliorumque Orientalium, …; F. Forma Tibeticorum Voluminum usitatior sine funiculis. Retrieved from

Other research is found here:

The case is also called calamarium or pennaculum.


Further in the article is discussed an pen with “inkbag”, for example showed here in the

Latin 7330 (

or on 19v:

Auteur/Titre : georgius zothorus, liber astrologiae
Nom de pays : italie
Origine : sicile
Siècle : 13ème siècle
Date : 2e quart
