f57v ball in hand
Jan 2014
on f57v we see a person holding a round ball in the hand
Q: Is the person male or female ?
There are some possible explanations for the ball.
It is Venus holding an apple in her hand. more info here

or is it a sort of regalia : see the page with that title
But then i laughed when i saw this video, it seems it is very simple, it is an apple or a granada:
source (http://youtu.be/eGBpKSZuFRM)
If we can match the VMS to a country it is very plausible that it is a fruit, such as an apple or an apricot.
For Armenia: ծիրան (tsiran) or ծիրանագույն (tsiranaguyn) see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apricot
and read:
An apricot is a fruit or the tree that bears the fruit. Usually, an apricot tree is from the tree species Prunus armeniaca, but the species Prunus brigantina, Prunus mandshurica, Prunus mume, and Prunus sibirica are closely related, have similar fruit, and are also called apricots.[1]
The origin of the apricot is disputed. It was known in Armenia during ancient times, and has been cultivated there for so long, it is often thought to have originated there.[4][5] Its scientific name Prunus armeniaca (Armenian plum) derives from that assumption.
For example, the Belgian arborist baron de Poerderlé, writing in the 1770s, asserted, “Cet arbre tire son nom de l’Arménie, province d’Asie, d’où il est originaire et d’où il fut porté en Europe …” (“this tree takes its name from Armenia, province of Asia, where it is native, and whence it was brought to Europe …”).[6] An archaeological excavation at Garni in Armenia found apricot seeds in an Eneolithic-era site.[7]
Despite the great number of varieties of apricots that are grown in Armenia today (about 50),[5] according to the Soviet botanist Nikolai Vavilov its center of origin would be the Chinese region, where the domestication of apricot would have taken place. Other sources say that the apricot was first cultivated in India in about 3000 BC.[8]
Its introduction to Greece is attributed to Alexander the Great;[8] later, the Roman General Lucullus (106–57 BC) also would have imported some trees – the cherry, white heart cherry, and apricot – from Armenia to Rome[citation needed]. Subsequent sources were often confused about the origin of the species. John Claudius Loudon (1838) believed it had a wide native range including Armenia, theCaucasus, the Himalayas, China, and Japan.[9]
Or…. is it a version of the ring as seen on the Faravahar (Winged Symbol of Zoroastrianism) ?
05-03-2016 update
It seems that this is a clear “elevation of the host”
see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elevation_(liturgy)

Elevationsgestus: Kunstwerk: Buchmalerei ; Illustrationszyklus Gebetbuch ; Miniatur ; Salzburg Dokumentation: 1485 ; 1495 ; Wien ; Österreich ; Wien ; Österreichische Nationalbibliothek ; cod. 2738 ; fol. 94v Anmerkungen: Gebetbuch
Handlung(en): Messfeier, beten, Kommunion,
Read more: http://theradicalcatholic.blogspot.nl/2014/11/the-elevation.html
This is also very plausible if we look at the other pictures on 57v that look like make a prayer.
Kunstwerk: Federzeichnung koloriert ; Illustrationszyklus sakral ; Miniatur ; Österreich
Dokumentation: 1400 ; 1450 ; Wien ; Österreich ; Wien ; Österreichische Nationalbibliothek ; cod. 3805 ; fol. 93r
Anmerkungen: Aggsbach(?) ; Johannes Torquemada. Contemplationes
- old link to that site
a search on wasser and brunnen:
Elischa macht das Wasser von Jericho trinkbar Dieses Bild: 003904A Kunstwerk: Federzeichnung koloriert ; Illustrationszyklus Typologie ; Miniatur ; Lilienfeld ; 2Kg:02:019-022 Dokumentation: 1349 ; 1351 ; Lilienfeld ; Österreich ; Niederösterreich ; Stiftsbibliothek ; cod. 151 ; fol. 22v Anmerkungen: Lilienfeld ; Concordantiae caritatis ; Schmitt, Otto: RDK. Bd. 3, S. 833ff Person: Prophet ; Mann ; Redegestus Teil: Haartracht ; grau ; lang , gelockt Teil: Bart Attribute: Spruchband Teil: Inschrift (HEC DICIT D (OMI)N (U)S SANAVI AQUAS ISTAS) Kleidungsstück: Birett ; grün Teil: Knopf Kleidungsstück: Heuke ; rot Teil: Innenfutter ; grün Kleidungsstück: Rock ; violett ; gegürtet Kleidungsstück: Schuh ; schwarz Objekt: Brunnen Teil: Becken(?) ; ocker ; Holz(?) ; gezimmert(?) Objekt: Boden ; braun Objekt: Gras ; grün Objekt: Inschrift (HELISEUS) Objekt: Inschrift (SAL IACIT IN FONTEM QUE S REDDE SOCEM) (?)
Der Stör lebt von Luft – Der Ostwind macht ihn fett.
and here
and here
But, it couls also be a simple snow ball, although there is no hint on the vms-page:
Without knowing the context as we see, the round object could be almost anything.
from: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Aratus.png
Die Figur soll den griechischen Dichter Aratos darstellen, wie er zum Himmel blickt.
Transl: The poet Aratos looking at the sky.
Source: pdf, Stefan Wintermantel, ABT WILHELMS HIMMELSSTADT
Im Regensburger Stadtmuseum ist ein ganz au-
ßergewöhnliches Objekt zu besichtigen, das
fälschlicherweise meist als Astrolabium von St.
Emmeram bezeichnet wird. Im Hirsauer Klostermuseum
ist ein Abguss ausgestellt. Die Sphaera
– so die zutreffendere Bezeichnung – besteht aus
einer steinernen Achtecksäule, die eine auf dem
Rand stehende Steinscheibe trägt, vor der eine
Statue kniet. Die Figur soll den griechischen
Dichter Aratos darstellen, wie er zum Himmel
blickt. Auf der Rückseite der Scheibe ist der
Meridianschnitt des Himmels eingezeichnet,
bezogen auf Regensburg.
The image of Mercury as a man sitting on a chair, who should have a cockerel on his head, or Venus, holding an apple in her hand… accompanied by Arabic signa… See Peter J. Forshaw’s text on Picatrix and Paracelsus.
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