
Well, we now know people around 1400 took baths. Preferably together it seems.
In the VMS there are blue waters but also green baths.

Here is found a picture where the same green appears as grass, from 68v


Handschriftentitel: Jean de Mandeville, Antichrist(Endkrist)-Bildertext
zweites Viertel des 15. Jahrhunderts
Johanne de Monte Villa in Luttringen.
source: St. Gallen, Stiftsarchiv (Abtei Pfäfers), Cod. Fab. XVI

” Berg mit einem See, der aus den Tränen von Adam und Eva nach ihrer Vertreibung aus dem Paradies entstand. Gänse mit zwei Köpfen und Löwe von der Grösse eines Rindes”

In the Schedelsche Weltchronik can we find how


With the text:

Seneca sunst Lucius anneus genant ein naturlicher maister was Neronis des kaisers lerer. zu Rom in wierde gehalten vnd ein vetter Lucani des poeten. Von disem schreibt der heilig Jheronimus das er eins allermassigsten lebens gewest sey darumb setzet er ine in dem zalbuch der heiligen von der manigfeltigen sendbrieff wegen. so Paulus an Senecam vnd Seneca an Paulum geschriben hat. Diser Seneca hat vnder andern guottaten seiner gnaden ime von got verlihen ein solche gedechtnus gehabt das er zwaytausent namen in der ordnung wie die gesagt waren alßpald herwider saget. vnd zwayhundert verss von zwayhundert schuolern gesprochen an dem letsten anfahende bis zu dem ersten gentzlich herwider redet. Der sol zway iar vor ertoedtung Petri vnd Pauli von Nerone seinem grawsamen iunger zu widergeltung ertoedt worden sein. dann als Seneca fast alt worden was do wardt er an der Pisonianischen puendtnus verargkwonet. oder als ettlich sprechen. do Nero gegen Senecaz der straych der ime in seiner zucht gegeben het zu gedechtnus fueret (ia auß angepornem haß der tugent) do wardt dem Seneca von Nerone gesagt das er imselbs einen tod erwelet. do Seneca den willen Neronis erkennet begeret er das er in ein lawes wasser gesetzt vnd ime alle adern geoeffent werden solten bis ime der gaist entgienge. maynende das er gar eins fueß geslecht des tods wer. also von eroffnung der adern zesterben. vnd also endet er sein leben. vnnd hat als ein hohgelerter man vil lere goetlicher vnd menschlicher schrifft gemacht.

aug 2015.

Mikveh /mikvah / mikvot


(Hebrew: מִקְוֶה / מקווה, Modern mikve, Tiberian miqwe, pl. mikva’ot or (Yiddish) mikves,
is a bath used for the purpose of ritual immersion in Judaism. Something like the cathlic baptism.

In the Hebrew Bible, the word is employed in its broader sense but generally means a collection of water.

ritual bathA person was required to be ritually pure in order to enter the Temple. In addition, a convert to Judaism is required to immerse in a mikveh as part of his/her conversion, and a woman is required to immerse in a mikveh after her menstrual period or childbirth before she and her husband can resume marital relations.

Most forms of impurity can be nullified through immersion in any natural collection of water.

However, some impurities, such as a zav, require “living water, such as springs or groundwater wells.

Living water has the further advantage of being able to purify even while flowing, as opposed to rainwater which must be stationary in order to purify. The mikveh is designed to simplify this requirement, by providing a bathing facility that remains in ritual contact with a natural source of water.

There are specific rules for such a Mikveh. Such are:

full immersion:

  • after Keri — normal emissions of semen, whether from sexual activity, or from nocturnal emission. Bathing in a mikveh due to Keri is known as tevilath Ezra (“the immersion of Ezra”)
  • after Zav/Zavah — abnormal discharges of body fluids
  • after Tzaraath — certain skin condition(s). These are termed lepra in the Septuagint, and therefore traditionally translated into English as leprosy; this is probably a translation error, as the Greek term lepra mostly refers to psoriasis, and the Greek term for leprosy was elephas or elephantiasis.
  • by anyone who came into contact with someone suffering from Zav/Zavah, or into contact with someone still in Niddah (normal menstruation), or who comes into contact with articles that have been used or sat upon by such persons
  • by Jewish priests when they are being consecrated
  • by the Jewish high priest on Yom Kippur, after sending away the goat to Azazel, and by the man who leads away the goat
  • by the Jewish priest who performed the Red Heifer ritual
  • after contact with a corpse or grave,
  • after eating meat from an animal that died naturally
  • Women: following the niddah period after menstruation, prior to resuming marital relations. The Torah says to count seven days of your cycle, but the Rabbis (oh, Rabbis) said to count five days of your cycle followed by seven days of no bleeding to make it 12.
  • women: Following the niddah period after childbirth, prior to resuming marital relations
    women: By a bride, before her wedding
  • Either gender: As part of a conversion to Judaism

A mikveh must, contain enough water to cover the entire body of an average-sized person; based on a mikveh with the dimensions of 3 cubits deep, 1 cubit wide, and 1 cubit long, the necessary volume of water was estimated as being 40 seah of water.

Ancient mikveh

Europe’s Oldest Mikveh in Syracuse, Italy

History of baths:


The nature of water is that the earth transforms water into a earthy virtue. When two waters coagulate (cluster)  into a hard solid, it is transformed into a white mercury of the philosophers called: Virgin’s Milk.

read more:

and more on the history of the Philosophers Stone:

Also interesting blog:

