f86v rosette page castles

The folio f86v is a representation of the VMS world

f86v the VMS world
a b c
d e f
g h i


f86v the VMS world
f86v-a f86v-b f86v-c
f86v-d f86v-e f86v-f
f86v-g f86v-h f86v-i


wall rosette

You see here the castle crenellations on f86v

Two castles f86v have specific crenellations. See the rosetta page upper right and lower left for the walls.

Such can be found in Verona,  Italy.

Apparently they are called swallowtails: more info here: http://voynichimagery.wordpress.com/2013/08/11/castles-by-the-sea/

or google on: voynich castle crenellations swallowtails

f86v castle mini


 Squarish crenellations mean Guelf, and swallow-tail mean Ghibelline..

read here: http://historicalfictionresearch.blogspot.nl/2011/12/historical-puzzle-and-possible-solution.html

f86v minicastel2

And here: http://www.ciphermysteries.com/2010/05/19/is-the-nine-rosette-sea-side-castle-nice

It is rather obvious that these are found in Italy. Well, we can find them anywhere as you can see below.

For example in Trento (trente) :   Trento-Castello_del_Buonconsiglio . Which is built in 1200.

detail Castello_del_Buonconsiglio
Basilica paleocristiana di San Vigilio and Museo Diocesano Tridentino
Basilica paleocristiana di San Vigilio

See also

Trento, italy, has a nearby mountain and many fountains and is situated around the river Adige.

There are these buildings with the perfect crenellations:

However, if you look closely to the shape. The Trento crenellations are rounded inwards and the Voynich crenellations are perfectly straight lines.

Otherwise, also this castle in Cavaglia, Italie would be a candiate. But it is not:


In Museo Trento some banners can be seen, which show people in barrels outside the city., casted away because of the plaque (around 1630). On the background often the mountain and the bridge of San Lorenzo.   See : http://www.museodiocesanotridentino.it/Mediacenter/FE/CategoriaMedia.aspx?idc=99&explicit=SI

trentino banner

An old  Nick P. hypothesis with some Italian links:  http://www.voynich.net/Arch/2002/11/msg00028.html


But, also a probable surprising solution can be found here: Mayntz = Meinz or now: Mainz

By Michel Wolgemut, Wilhelm Pleydenwurff (Text: Hartmann Schedel) (Own work (scan from original book)) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

If we zoom in:


The image depicts  Woodcut of Mainz from the Nuremberg Chronicle. (dated 1493)

Page: https://de.wikisource.org/wiki/Die_Schedelsche_Weltchronik_(deutsch):040

Dies ist ein Scan des historischen Buches:

Titel: Die Schedelsche Weltchronik

Die Ausgabe in deutscher Sprache

Quelle: Der Scan wurde anhand einer Original-Buchvorlage vorgenommen
Autor:Hartmann Schedel
Entwurf der Holzschnitte:Michel Wolgemut und Wilhelm Pleydenwurff (1800 Stück)
Druck: Anton Koberger
Größe: 32,5×47 cm
This is a scan of the historical document:

Title: Die Schedelsche Weltchronik (Nuremberg Chronicle)

The German language edition

Source: scan from original book
Autor:Hartmann Schedel

Page Text:

Mayntz die ertzbischoflich hawbtstat in teuetschen lannden hat von Maguncio einem Troyaner iren anfang vnnd namen zu der zeit der Troyanischen niderlag gehabt. als Carinus in den Cronicken schreibt. vnnd ist vnder den Belgierischen ein stat teuetscher lannd. vnd raichet an die fluess des reins. Drusus nero nach teuetscher nacion Germanicus genant hat das lob vnd den ruom derselben stat clerlich gemeret. dieweil er wider der teuetschen stet ihenßhalb reyns gelegen krieget. der dann auß einem pruch eins payns darauff im ein pferd fiele amm. xxx. tag darnach starb. dess leichnam von Nerone claudio seinem bruder (der auff verkuendung der kranckhet eylends kome) gein rom gefueert vnd in keyser Julij grab gelegt wardt. Von den großen taten des benanten Drusi Neronis bey dem reyn geuebt thun Tacitus vnd ander geschichtbeschreiber meldung. vnd des sind guote anzeigung vil alte ding zu Mayntz. Ettlich setzen das dise stat von Paulino pompeyo dem roemischen heerfuerer in teuetschem land vnder Nerone dem keyser volbracht worden sey. Der ertzbischoff diser stat gibt auch hilff zu der wale eins roemischen keysers. Dise stat hat bey ir den allerheiligisten man Albanum den martrer. Nit verr von diser stat ligt Franckfurt das edel gewerbhaws. darinn die obernn vnnd nideren teuetsche lewt alle iar zwaymal zusamen komen. daselbst wirdt auch ein keyser gewelet auß alter gewonheit. da beyhin fleueßt nit ein vnedler fluss den sie Mayn nennen.

Ptolomeus heißt disen fluss obrigma. vnd spricht das derselb fluss die hohen teuetschen von den nidern teuetschen schaide. vnd sey auch kein andrer fluss dann der Mayn der solche vnderschidung offenbarlicher thun mueg. Vnd noch hewt bey tag raichen die nidern teuetschen herauff bis gein Maintz. von dannen auffwartz werden sie die obern teuetschen genant. Der Mayn entspringt auß den bergen nahend an Behmer land gelegen. vnd rinnt von der Maintzischen gegent in den reyn. daruemb sind ettlich die glawben das Maintz von demselben fluss des Mayns irnn namen hab. vnd in derselben stat werden nach der roemer sytten große vnd weyt hoeff vnd gepew vnd wolgezierte kirchen mitsamt einem bischoflichen gschloss vnd vil andere gedechtnus wirdige. vnnd auch[1] ettliche von krieg wegen zerstoerte ding gesehen.

-orginal book in Latin-

Mainz is the city is of Gutenberg.  Who?

The inventor of the printed press. He printed the first aflates around 1461.
How ironic that a book that is handwritten probably is from that same city and is made a little before the first printed book.

Or was that a romanticised picture of the city of Mainz?

Here you see how it looked in 1565 according to this drawing:


4th febr 2016

Today i stumbled upon this picture

verona http://www.basiccarpentrytechniques.com/Medieval%20Towns/The%20Story%20of%20Verona/images/ill_015_lg.jpg
verona http://www.basiccarpentrytechniques.com/Medieval%20Towns/The%20Story%20of%20Verona/images/ill_015_lg.jpg


TOWER OF THE FORMER CONVENT OF S. ZENO The only remaining fragment of the building when the mediæval German emperors stopt on their way to Rome.
TOWER OF THE FORMER CONVENT OF S. ZENO The only remaining fragment of the building when the mediæval German emperors stopt on their way to Rome.

Apparently illustrations from the book from 1902:

The Story of Verona
by Alethea Wiel Illustrated
by Nelly Erichsen and
Helen M. James

London: J. M. Dent & Co.
Aldine House, 29 and 30 Bedford Street
Covent Garden, W.C. 1907

First Edition, July 1902


You can still see many of these crenelations in Verona, Italy.


Ah, I see a pattern!  Trento, Verona.


And on the same line we have Bolzano and Runkelstein Castle (somebody’s blog) also with the same wall.


We must look to the left at the giant Lake, the Lago di Parda.

Which is shaped like a big fallus. Check it out.

There is a place called Sirmione, with the Sirmione Castle, which is lying in the water: Rocca Scaligera. Very nice.


If we investigate a little bit there we  will find out that around the lake there are many such buildings: for example  http://www.allariviera.it/en/surroundings.php

There we also find the Thermal Baths Terme di Catullo.


As the defense wall of the german city Mainz.

mainz-wappenMainzer Rad (Attribut des Heiligen Martin – Patron der Stadt und des Doms) mit sechs Speichen, silbern auf rotem Untergrund, paarig im Wappen links oben und rechts unten angeordnet, beide mit einem Kreuz verbunden.



By looking at that weapon of Mainz there also smaller towns around the city with their own weapons. This one stood out, for obvious reasons:

wappen-mz-marienbornWappenschild ohne Unterteilung mit blauem Untergrund; darauf ein goldener, silbern sprudelnder, Springbrunnen, seitlich begleitet von je einer silbernen Lilie, darüber eine goldene Krone.



The text says:…on a golden, silver bubbly, fountain, accompanied by side each a silver lily, about a golden crown.

see also: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mainz-Marienborn

hier auch weiter suchen:







The symbol on page 1v is a fountain ?  And the other symbol is a crown from the site or a lily?
The rest became a search in the archives.

tower3 rosette


tower1 rosettepage


tower detail detail: are those flags?




tower2 rosette


towerpiece rosette

The ‘sunk’ tower is perhaps a defense tower embedded in the landscape ?


I found this tombe with the same crenelations like the Bastion Drusus had:


"Rome Tombe van Caecilia Metella 13-01-2011 12-51-22" by Paul Hermans - Eigen werk. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rome_Tombe_van_Caecilia_Metella_13-01-2011_12-51-22.JPG#/media/File:Rome_Tombe_van_Caecilia_Metella_13-01-2011_12-51-22.JPG
“Rome Tombe van Caecilia Metella 13-01-2011 12-51-22” by Paul Hermans – Eigen werk. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons – https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rome_Tombe_van_Caecilia_Metella_13-01-2011_12-51-22.JPG#/media/File:Rome_Tombe_van_Caecilia_Metella_13-01-2011_12-51-22.JPG


Or is it a tower fountain ?


The foundations of the Roman sanctuary of Isis and Mater Magna Temple were discovered during excavations for a shopping arcade. Walls, stones and found objects are retained for three years. In 2003, the temple was rebuilt in the presentation room “Taberna Archaeologica” to their reference back.
The temple in Mainz is the only excavated, the Isis dedicated building of its kind in Germany. Other Isis Temple, as in Cologne and Augsburg are only occupied or inscriptions can be seen from archaeological finds.


More info:  http://www.festung-mainz.de/geschichte/mittelalter.html
The fight between de Guelphs and the Ghibellines, two families, originated in Germany.  Guelphs were there the Welfs, and in the Norman tongue of Britain and Ireland the Ghibellines were the Fitzgeralds.  -more-

The Gibellines were supporter of the emperor (around 1400) and the Guelphs supported the pope. (Boniface 8th)

English: Maurice FitzGerald, Lord Lanstephan as shown in a manuscript of the Expugnatio Hibernica, written in 1189 by his nephew, Gerald of Wales


The FitzGerald dynasty is a Hiberno-Norman or Cambro-Norman dynasty, and have been peers of Ireland since at least the 14th century. The dynasty has also been referred to as the Geraldines -wikipedia-

Also more reading: http://arsendarnay.blogspot.nl/search/label/Ghibellines

Something else, did you know there is an actual utopia city layout:  Palmanova, Giulia, Udien, Italy: founded in 1593



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