f1r glyphs or symbols
jan. 2014
The two symbols on the left and the one in the upper right corner are interesting, also because they are on the first (known) page. Here they are enhanced and displayed:
Some guesses:
a. symbol for herbs, a magic wand or a crosier (crozier, pastoral staff, paterissa, pósokh).
The crosier stylized staff of office (pastoral staff) carried by high-ranking Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and some Lutheranand Pentecostal prelates. United Methodist Bishops carry croziers in formal functions. The other typical insignia of most of these prelates, but not all, are the mitre, pectoral cross, and the episcopal ring. Before that they bore the symbol of the shephard’s crook from the Egyptian kings.
The crook (heka) and flail (nekhakha) are symbols used in Ancient Egyptian society.
With some imagination, it could be the crook and the nekhakha in one image.
see also: Muse Thalia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muse
shepherd’s crook: | ![]() |
or heqa or heka, or auet | ![]() |
as symbol of ruling insignia. See also the article on the Hyksos. Later the shepherd’s crook was adopted as a religious ruling insignia by the Christian clergy.
Also, and this is a far stretch perhaps, with some phantasy you can see a icon of a rooster from the side. This idea came from seeing the logo from mr. Strickland.
b. seagull or other bird like phoenix ? Odin in Eagle shape ?
c. a cooking pot with something hot in it or the Vesta Symbol

Vesta /vestia is the virgin goddess of the hearth, home, and family in Roman religion. Vesta’s presence is symbolized by the sacred fire that burned at her hearth and temples.
See also -this page-
In astronimical use, the symbol is based on ‘an altar with fire on it‘.
reference: von Zach, Franz Xaver (1807). Monatliche correspondenz zur beförderung der erd- und himmels-kunde, Volume 15. p. 507. source here.
Stumbled upon a (too old) coin with the same picto.
source: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HormizdI.jpg
Coin is from South Asia. Khusan Empire. A Sassanid coin, Hormizd I
The Sassanid Empire, also known as the Sassanian Empire, was the last Pre-Islamic empire of Persia, under the rule of the Sassanian Dynasty from 224 to 651.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hormizd_I
Hormizd I: “King of kings of Iran and Aniran”
(Middle Persian: šāhān šāh ērān ud anērān)
“Great king of Armenians” year 270.
See also: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iranian_languages
(Especially interesting: The Iranian Language tree.)
Found a description to ‘spirit of urine’or spirit of wine:
aug 2015
The “Bird Glyph” has been seen also in other manuscripts’ left margins.
Interesting page comes from a blog here Where he writes about the Codex Taurinensis, used as ‘a paragraph header’, Codex Aubin, Codex Cardona. (please read over the Atlantis lines)
Some commentaries are also worthwhile:
“Several of the Aztec manuscripts contain the “Bird Glyph”. It’s use seems to always be the same — as a marker/bullet at the beginning of one of the Spanish glosses added to the text to describe what’s going on in the native section. Other native codices use the more common “CC” in its place. From what I see in the facsimiles/photos that I own — it seems that only one or the other was used in a single manuscript — never both.
Possibly two different schools of Jesuits/Spanish scribes responsible for writing the commentaries?”
“I have copies of both a facsimile and a translation by Roys. While looking for online images from it, I happened on a complete copy at:
Click on “Collection Images”
Folios 42v through 44r are loaded with examples of the “Bird Glyph”. Other sections have instead a “bullet” that looks like a cursive capitol “J” — perhaps merely a varient of the usual “CC” symbol. The manuscript was compiled in 1782″
Also a reference is made to
esses = thou (ancient you) . source
or, are they Chinese characters?
The only thing i am sure of, is that the swirl depicts fire
That symbolic little drawing is quite common, even today.
Concerning the c-symbol look at the picto at the bottom right of this page of the
códice de huichapan, (1484) doesn’t it look a bit similar ?
b) symbol
Have a look at my recent discovery here:
source: http://mapas.uoregon.edu/zoomify.lasso?&mapaid=tribcoyA00
“Mesoamerica stands out in the Western Hemisphere for having an unusually vast and rich body of pictorial manuscripts (known in Spanish as mapas, lienzos, códices,pinturas, etc.) made by indigenous painter-scribes”: read more
This manuscript shows the different payments made by the tribes and starts with: esta es la pintura de los tributos …..
Almost every piece of text starts with this symbol, i guess it signal something like a bullet or a star that a new paragraph will start there.
or is it the letter D, as here shown in a ms from Basel

20 oct. 2016
Many sources tell me that “It has always been assumed that John Dee has something to do with the Voynich manuscript”.
During the years I did not find any proof, research findings, or fundamental references of such. This week I decided to investigated some works and i came to the conclusion that the presented red letter in the Voynich, might be the letter R.

Following pictures are all from the handwritten transcription of John Dee (1527-1608) of Steganographiae:
A transcript of Admirandum & inestimabile opus Steganographiae A Joanne Tritemio Abbate Spanheymensi Anno Christi CDD conscriptum nunc demum d tenebris & pulueribus, in quibus sepultum hactenus iacuit, erutum diligentia et studio Jacobi Casteluitrei. Londini CDDXCI.
google: A transcript of inestimable and wonderful work Steganographiae of John Trithemius, Abbot of Sponheim year of 900, written now finally d & dark powder, which has been buried in the ground, dug diligence and zeal of James Casteluitrei. London 991.
source: Peniarth MS 423. (Hengwrt 214) Library of Wales
Beneath the title Dee added ‘A tenebris & pulueribus in quibus sepultum hactenus iacuit diligentia et studio Jacobi Casteluitrei Londini MDXCI’. The date ‘1591’ suggests
that this is not the copy about which Dee wrote to Cecil in 1563 (R&W
p. 6) but a later copy from a text supplied by Castelvetro, for whose John Dee’s Library Catalogue 20 activities at this time see RJR, ‘New light on the career of Giacomo
Castelvetro’, Bodleian Library Record, 13 (1990), 365–9. The manuscript was formerly wrapped in a bifolium of a psalter of s. xiv. Other leaves were used to wrap MSS Peniarth 293i (Hengwrt 277) and 294 (Hengwrt 277), both of which were owned by John Jones of Gellilyfdy, and further leaves survive among Peniarth binding fragments of unidentified manuscripts. On fol. [i] is ‘Samuel Harris’, s. xvi/xvii. source: PDF paper 2009 from Julian Roberts and Andrew G. Watson.
08 dec. 2016
In heraldry images a similar image (left corner) can be found:
Title Phainomena
Publication Type Book Year of Publication 1569
Authors Aratus S City Paris Library Eton College
Call Number Ba.4.9. Binding Bound in calf with stamp 1 in silver
from: https://armorial.library.utoronto.ca/node/33543
Arms: Three lilies on a chief per pale a fleur-de-lys and a lion passant gardant
Heraldic Charges: lilies (3)chief, on afleur-de-lyslion passant gardant
dec. 2016
The symbols in this drawing are interesting zodiacal pictographs.
Titre : Aratou Soleas, Phainomena Kai Diosemia, Theonos scholia ([Reprod.])
Aratus (0315?-0240? av. J.-C.) . Date d’édition : 1559. Source.
Read also: Page about Crete
Picture is from the site: http://claviculatheurgia.blogspot.nl/2016/08/the-ars-notoria-is-designed-as.html?m=1. Mentioned in relation to the Ars Notoria, mentioned from http://esotericarchives.com/notoria/notoria.htm
The woodcut picture:
Description | |
Date | |
Source | http://archive.lib.msu.edu/AFS/dmc/arts/public/all/threebooksoccult/ANL008.gif |
Author | Unknown engraver |
Which can be read here: https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Three_Books_of_Occult_Philosophy/To_the_reader
Video on: https://wn.com/the_ars_notoria_a_rare_ancient_text_said_to_teach_superhuman_abilities
The Ars Notoria: A rare ancient text said to teach superhuman abilities
- Report rights infringement
- published: 08 Oct 2016
- views: 388882
The Ars Notoria is a rare ancient magical text that is said to perfect memory and master academia among other incredible things. You can download a copy, translated from Latin into English by Robert Turner, 1657. (Transcribed and converted to Acrobat by BenjaminRowe, July 1999 Foreword copyright 1999 by Benjamin Rowe) http://www.ancient-code.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Ars_notoria.pdf
The Sphere of Manilius, Marcus Manilius.
On the left “Natura Universalis” Pan, and on the right Mercury, Hermes as “Universitatis Interprenta”.
Pan is shown, representing nature.
The symbols used on this plate printed 1675 resemble.
source: http://www.whipplelib.hps.cam.ac.uk/special/overview/featured-items/sherburne
Of interest are also the plates of the sun and the moon.
University of Pennsylvania Libraries shows this ms:
Mobilitas – mobile – motus on page 26, Decoration: Diagram, Head of Christ, p. 26
Also interesting: Decoration: Diagram, Elements and temperaments, p. 25
LJS 429 De philosophia naturali (Isidore, of Seville, Saint, d. 636 (attributed name)
bibid: 4827446
Language Latin, Date between 1485 and 1499, Place Mainz?, Germany
Illustrated introduction to natural philosophy, supposedly according to the principles of Isidore of Seville, but in fact representing later Aristotelian and Thomist thought and opposing the followers of Duns Scotus, including the 15th-century theologians Nicolas d’Orbelles (referred to in the manuscript as Dorbellus) and Etienne Brulefer (in the manuscript as Brulifer). Includes discussion of the proofs of existence of God; the use of the principle of deduction; the celestial spheres and compass points; and the elements, temperaments, and humors.
sept 2017
An idea
It occurred to me that it is also possible the right corner symbol shows us a distrorted symbol.
Such a thing would be possible if the right corner has been folded and created a copy image of the original red 2-like symbol.
Here you see the left 2-like symbol flipped to the right. it does not really match and that could be caused by the slight curl and stretch of the fold?
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