72 and 9

On the Rosette page (with 9 rosettes: abc, def, ghi), there can be counted a number of 72 pipes in the middle detail (e-rosette).

read http://www.voynich.ninja/thread-653-page-6.html

specific:   http://www.voynich.ninja/thread-653-post-4723.html#pid4723

It seems to be a holy number, so i dedicate this page to the number 72 and number 9


Accidently i stumbled on this number again:

Query, what are the definite numbers of Nimrod’s Tower? Not hard. Eight of them to wit, 72 counsellors, 72 pupils, 72 races of men, 72 languages, the languages in his school, 72 peoples whose were those languages, and the races, 72 artificers to work at it, 72 building materials including lime, bitume, earth and cement in equal layers, 72 paces in width, as he said:…

source:  the Primer:


Book:  Auraicept na n-éces : the scholars’ primer; being the texts of the Ogham tract from the Book of Ballymote and the Yellow book of Lecan, and the text of the Trefhocul from the Book of Leinster by Calder, George, 1859-1941; Virgilius Maro, Grammaticus, 7th cent; Isidore, of Seville, Saint, d. 636 Published 1917

Others say, however, that only nine materials were in the Tower, to wit, clay and water, wool and blood, wood and lime, acacias, flax thread and bitumen, de quibus dicitur:
Clay, water, wool, and blood
Wood, lime, and flax thread of a full twist,
Acacias, bitumen with virtue,
The nine materials of Nimrod’s Tower.

or in Gaelic:

Cre, uisgi, oland is fuil,
Ross is ael is lin lanchuir,
Sechim., bitumain go mbuaidh
Nai n-adhbair in tuir Nemruaidh.

source:  https://archive.org/stream/auraicept00calduoft#page/20/mode/2up


A summary can also be read in this book here.


So, the materials are:

  1. Clay
  2. water
  3. wool
  4. blood
  5. Wood
  6. lime
  7. flax thread of a full twist
  8. Acacias
  9. bitumen with virtue


text as cells:

rosette page consists of  
85v2  86r4  86r6  
85v1  86r3  86r5

Title: “nine-rosette diagram”
Page: f85v2 = NC+ND+NE+NF+NG+NH (Rene) = p169 (Stolfi)
Folio: f85+f86
Panels: f85v2+f86r4+f86r6+f85v1+f86r3+f86r5


Uair as gach perla roteiped, 7 gach son fordorcha roboi in cech beusgna, fofrith ionad doibh isin nGaoidhilc ar a forleithe sech gech mbeusgna.

from the same book:  https://archive.org/stream/auraicept00calduoft#page/170/mode/2up

my translation effort: help of http://www.dil.ie/ em google:
Elk uur dat er voorbij gaat, en voor elk obscuur moment in elke taal,
vind u ze in het midden van het Gaelic in iedere taalgebruik.

Examples of Ogham alphabets, page 300 and further.

ogham vowels2

From the 72 poets (from the mentioned book Primer), there were 25 poets chosen as noblest and are the basis for the Ogham alphabet, there names are Babel, Lot, Pharaob, Saliath, nebuchadnezzar, Herod, David, etc.. see google books

According to Kabbalah, the base, the foundation of the Tower of Babel, has twelve doors and seventy-two pillars.

this and more examples from:



If the central rosette is a presentation of the Tower of Babel, how can the 6 central “pillars”be explained ?

Is the Tower used as an metaphor and are the “6 pillars” here the main potions described in the manuscript? If so, it would make more sense to explain these along the line of the “six divine elixirs” as described in “Book of the Nine Elixirs (Jiudan jing)”.

The Book of the Nine Elixirs
The Book of Nine Elixirs is one of the few extant sources that describe a whole
Waidan practice, from the preliminary rituals to the ingestion of the elixir. The
primary extant version of this work is found in the first chapter of the Huangdi
jiuding shendan jingjue (Instructions on the Book of the Divine Elixirs of the
Nine Tripods of the Yellow Emperor), where it is followed by a commentary in
nineteen chapters. A slightly variant version is found in the Jiuzhuan liuzhu
shenxian jiudan jing (Book of the Flowing Pearl in Nine Cycles and the Nine
Elixirs of the Divine Immortals), where the entire text is arranged as a commentary
to the heptasyllabic verses of an anonymous “Jiudan ge” (Songs of the
Nine Elixirs). This version dates from the late Six Dynasties or the beginning of
the Tang period (ca. sixth or seventh centuries).


Daoyin (lit., “guiding and pulling”) is a form of gymnastic bases on postures that favor the circulation of breath.

source: http://www.goldenelixir.com/  Fabrizio Pregadio and Golden Elixir Press 2011


Another book speaks of 9 elixirs, this one: To Live as Long as Heaven and Earth: A Translation and Study of Ge Hong’s Traditions of Divine Transcendents.

And it writes about

  1. flower of cinnabar heated 9 days and some more
  2. divine talisman (luted with six-one mud and other stuff)
  3. divine elixir
  4. returned elixir
  5. victua elixir
  6. refined elixir (eight minerals)
  7. compliant elixir
  8. subdued elixir
  9. cold elixir


talisman example.

By Various, primary assumed to be Ge Hong [Public domain or Public domain],
via Wikimedia Commons


Since we are now in that corner, i should mention,  a Daoist physiological belief that demonic creatures live inside the human body, and they seek to hasten the death of their host.

The text differentiates the mythological Three Corpses from the intestinal jiǔchóng 九蟲 “Nine Worms”, which seem to be based on observations of harmful parasites such as roundworms or tapeworms (Cook 2008: 844). The text explains that the Nine Worms are the physical counterparts of and acting agents for the Three Corpses (Arthur 2013: 82). They are:

  1. The “ambush worm” (fuchong 伏蟲) saps people’s strength by feeding off their essence and blood.
  2. The “coiling worm” (huichong 蛔蟲 [now meaning “roundworm“]) infests the body in pairs of male and female that live above and below the heart, consuming their host’s blood.
  3. The “inch-long white worm” (cun baichong 寸白蟲) chews into the stomach, weakening the inner organs and damaging the digestive tract.
  4. The “flesh worm” (rouchong 肉蟲) causes itching and weakens the sinews and back.
  5. The “lung worm” (feichong 肺蟲) causes coughing, phlegm buildup, and difficulty in breathing.
  6. The “stomach worm” (weichong 胃蟲) consumes food from its host’s stomach, causing hunger.
  7. The “obstructing [or “diaphragm”] worm” (gechong 膈蟲) dulls the senses, induces drowsiness, and causes nightmares.
  8. The “red worm” (chichong 赤蟲) causes stagnation of the blood and pneuma, heaviness in the waist, and ringing in the ears.
  9. The “wriggling worm” (qiaochong 蹺蟲) causes itching sores on the skin and tooth decay. (tr. Cook 2008: 846)

source:  Three Corpses


The Ars Magma  Sciendi, by Kircher in 1669 is a combinatorial method based on Lull’s scheme (year ca 1275)  with 6 categories and each consists of 9 classes. These classes are:


  1. deus
  2. angelus
  3. coelum
  4. homo
  5. imaginativa
  6. sensitiva  (birds, fishes, animals)
  7. vegetativa
  8. elementativa
  9. instrumentativa

Each class is represented by an alphabetic letter, the ars brevis alphabet.
Later Kircher replaced those letters by a symbol.  (Source note 116. p241. Slaughter on univ. lang. See also  F. Yates)

The alphabet here from Stanford Uni. has the best quality

In the Ars Demonstrativa, Lull presents his art based on 16 Dignitates Dei, divine principles: bonitas, magnitudo etc. represented by the letters BCDEFGHIKLMNOPQR. (Yates, Lull and Bruno)

  • other refs: Teun Koetsier,  THE ART OF RAMON LLULL (1232–1350): FROM THEOLOGY TO MATHEMATICS
