Format of the pages

Note: At the bottom of this page you find the Excel sheets with the transcribed text.

With a little help of the VIB, the different pages in the VMS have the following pagecounts:

f1r Text A 1
f1v Herbal A 1 1
f2r Herbal A 2 2
f2v Herbal A 3 3
f3r Herbal A 4 4
f3v Herbal A 5 5
f4r Herbal A 6 6
f4v Herbal A 7 7
f5r Herbal A 8 8
f5v Herbal A 9 9
f6r Herbal A 10 10
f6v Herbal A 11 11
f7r Herbal A 12 12
f7v Herbal A 13 13
f8r Herbal A 14 14
f8v Herbal A 15 15
f9r Herbal A 16 16
f9v Herbal A 17 17
f10r Herbal A 18 18
f10v Herbal A 19 19
f11r Herbal A 20 20
f11v Herbal A 21 21
f12r Missing page ? 1
f12v Missing page ? 2
f13r Herbal A 22 22
f13v Herbal A 23 23
f14r Herbal A 24 24
f14v Herbal A 25 25
f15r Herbal A 26 26
f15v Herbal A 27 27
f16r Herbal A 28 28
f16v Herbal A 29 29
f17r Herbal A 30 30
f17v Herbal A 31 31
f18r Herbal A 32 32
f18v Herbal A 33 33
f19r Herbal A 34 34
f19v Herbal A 35 35
f20r Herbal A 36 36
f20v Herbal A 37 37
f21r Herbal A 38 38
f21v Herbal A 39 39
f22r Herbal A 40 40
f22v Herbal A 41 41
f23r Herbal A 42 42
f23v Herbal A 43 43
f24r Herbal A 44 44
f24v Herbal A 45 45
f25r Herbal A 46 46
f25v Herbal A 47 47
f26r Herbal B 48 1
f26v Herbal B 49 2
f27r Herbal A 50 48
f27v Herbal A 51 49
f28r Herbal A 52 50
f28v Herbal A 53 51
f29r Herbal A 54 52
f29v Herbal A 55 53
f30r Herbal A 56 54
f30v Herbal A 57 55
f31r Herbal B 58 3
f31v Herbal B 59 4
f32r Herbal A 60 56
f32v Herbal A 61 57
f33r Herbal B 62 5
f33v Herbal B 63 6
f34r Herbal B 64 7
f34v Herbal B 65 8
f35r Herbal A 66 58
f35v Herbal A 67 59
f36r Herbal A 68 60
f36v Herbal A 69 61
f37r Herbal A 70 62
f37v Herbal A 71 63
f38r Herbal A 72 64
f38v Herbal A 73 65
f39r Herbal B 74 9
f39v Herbal B 75 10
f40r Herbal B 76 11
f40v Herbal B 77 12
f41r Herbal B 78 13
f41v Herbal B 79 14
f42r Herbal A 80 66
f42v Herbal A 81 67
f43r Herbal B 82 15
f43v Herbal B 83 16
f44r Herbal A 84 68
f44v Herbal A 85 69
f45r Herbal A 86 70
f45v Herbal A 87 71
f46r Herbal B 88 17
f46v Herbal B 89 18
f47r Herbal A 90 72
f47v Herbal A 91 73
f48r Herbal B 92 19
f48v Herbal B 93 20
f49r Herbal A 94 74
f49v Herbal A 95 75
f50r Herbal B 96 21
f50v Herbal B 97 22
f51r Herbal A 98 76
f51v Herbal A 99 77
f52r Herbal A 100 78
f52v Herbal A 101 79
f53r Herbal A 102 80
f53v Herbal A 103 81
f54r Herbal A 104 82
f54v Herbal A 105 83
f55r Herbal B 106 23
f55v Herbal B 107 24
f56r Herbal A 108 84
f56v Herbal A 109 85
f57r Herbal B 110 25
f57v Cosmological ? 1
f58r Text A 2
f58v Text A 3
f59r Missing page ? 3
f59v Missing page ? 4
f60r Missing page ? 5
f60v Missing page ? 6
f61r Missing page ? 7
f61v Missing page ? 8
f62r Missing page ? 9
f62v Missing page ? 10
f63r Missing page ? 11
f63v Missing page ? 12
f64r Missing page ? 13
f64v Missing page ? 14
f65r Herbal ? 111 86
f65v Herbal ? 112 87
f66r Text B 4
f66v Herbal B 113 26
f67r1 Astronomical ? 1
f67r2 Astronomical ? 2
f67v2 Cosmological ? 2
f67v1 Astronomical ? 3
f68r1 Astronomical ? 4
f68r2 Astronomical ? 5
f68r3 Astronomical ? 6
f68v3 Cosmological ? 3
f68v2 Astronomical ? 7
f68v1 Astronomical ? 8
f69r Cosmological ? 9
f69v Cosmological ? 10
f70r1 Cosmological ? 11
f70r2 Cosmological ? 12
f70v2 Zodiac ? 1
f70v1 Zodiac ? 2
f71r Zodiac ? 3
f71v Zodiac ? 4
f72r1 Zodiac ? 5
f72r2 Zodiac ? 6
f72r3 Zodiac ? 7
f72v3 Zodiac ? 8
f72v2 Zodiac ? 9
f72v1 Zodiac ? 10
f73r Zodiac ? 11
f73v Zodiac ? 12
f74r Missing page ? 15
f74v Missing page ? 16
f75r Biological B 1
f75v Biological B 2
f76r Biological B 3
f76v Biological B 4
f77r Biological B 5
f77v Biological B 6
f78r Biological B 7
f78v Biological B 8
f79r Biological B 9
f79v Biological B 10
f80r Biological B 11
f80v Biological B 12
f81r Biological B 13
f81v Biological B 14
f82r Biological B 15
f82v Biological B 16
f83r Biological B 17
f83v Biological B 18
f84r Biological B 19
f84v Biological B 20
f85r1 Text B 5
f85r2 Cosmological B 4
f86v4 Cosmological B 5
f86v6 Cosmological B 6
f85v2= f86v=
Cosmological B 7
f86v5 Cosmological B 8
f86v3 Cosmological B 9
f87r Herbal A 114 88
f87v Herbal A 115 89
f88r Pharmaceutical A 1
f88v Pharmaceutical A 2
f89r1 Pharmaceutical A 3
f89r2 Pharmaceutical A 4
f89v2 Pharmaceutical A 5
f89v1 Pharmaceutical A 6
f90r1 Herbal A 116 90
f90r2 Herbal A 117 91
f90v2 Herbal A 118 92
f90v1 Herbal A 119 93
f91r Missing page ? 17
f91v Missing page ? 18
f92r Missing page ? 19
f92v Missing page ? 20
f93r Herbal A 120 94
f93v Herbal A 121 95
f94r Herbal B 122 27
f94v Herbal B 123 28
f95r1 Herbal B 124 29
f95r2 Herbal B 125 30
f95v2 Herbal B 126 31
f95v1 Herbal B 127 32
f96r Herbal A 128 96
f96v Herbal A 129 97
f97r Missing page ? 21
f97v Missing page ? 22
f98r Missing page ? 23
f98v Missing page ? 24
f99r Pharmaceutical A 7
f99v Pharmaceutical A 8
f100r Pharmaceutical A 9
f100v Pharmaceutical A 10
f101r1 Pharmaceutical A 11
f101r2 Pharmaceutical ? 12
f101v2 Pharmaceutical A 13
f101v1 Pharmaceutical A 14
f102r1 Pharmaceutical A 15
f102r2 Pharmaceutical A 16
f102v2 Pharmaceutical A 17
f102v1 Pharmaceutical A 18
f103r Stars B 1
f103v Stars B 2
f104r Stars B 3
f104v Stars B 4
f105r Stars B 5
f105v Stars B 6
f106r Stars B 7
f106v Stars B 8
f107r Stars B 9
f107v Stars B 10
f108r Stars B 11
f108v Stars B 12
f109r Missing page ? 25
f109v Missing page ? 26
f110r Missing page ? 27
f110v Missing page ? 28
f111r Stars B 13
f111v Stars B 14
f112r Stars B 15
f112v Stars B 16
f113r Stars B 17
f113v Stars B 18
f114r Stars B 19
f114v Stars B 20
f115r Stars B 21
f115v Stars B 22
f116r Stars B 23
f116v Stars ? 24
text herbal herbal_A herbal_B missing cosmo astro zodiac bio pharma stars
totals 5 129 97 32 28 9 12 12 20 18 24
129 together
total pages 257
minus ‘missing’ 229 real pages

stars+text = 29 pages

cosmo=unidentified starstuff
astro=stars sun and moon
pharma=pages with roots

rosette page consists of
85v2 86r4 86r6
85v1 86r3 86r5

Download the Excel files:

For the texts below the Takeshi Takahashi transcription is used

and for the rosette-page the Zandbergen (download as txt) transcription with comments.

For direct analysis and processing: all spaces have been replaced by a dot. All comments are removed. Consist of only the text in 1 column and the pagenumbers & paragraphs / labels in another.

+-+- remark see below +-+-

Furthermore downloadable xls files for:





+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-  important if you are doing analysis  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-



During analysis of the text I’ve located an anomaly. Often this an indication there is something wrong.  The foldouts, have a transcription which is spread along the width of the foldouts. This means that the amount of words on those pages is at the biggest line 25 words.  There where the average in “the paragraph only transcription” was in that file 32534/3906 lines=8.3 words per line.

The pages concerned are called:

f101r1 => the transcript is actually of page  f100v + r1 + r2.
f101v2 => see here f101v2 =101v2 + v1
f89r2 => 89r2 + r3
f89v2 => 89v3 + v2

The pages 89v2 has 15 words, which is average.  f89r2 with 17 a 18 words is still acceptable.
f101r1 and 101v2 has over 20 words and must be split up for an average word to word analysis. I’ve done so, resulting into an average of 32534 words/3924 lines still 8.3 words/line.

See below:

f101r1.P.1 pcheol.cheol.ol.shey.qockhol.shor.yteol.sheockhey.qpol.cheor.
f101r1.P.1b sain.olo.o.qkeey.chopcheey.checkhey.cpheocthy.ykchy.cheey.chekeey.dal.chsm.
f101r1.P.2 dol.chokeey.chkey.cthey.okal.chol.kol.okeey.r.or.ol.okolol.olchey.
f101r1.P.2b qokchor.okey.qokeol.kor.shey.teol.or.aiin.chol.daiin
f101r1.P.3 etolctheol.okeor.r.sheol.qotol.sheo.dol.shey.okeey.ctheea.yteeoldy.
f101r1.P.4 ycheeo.or.sheeol.daiin.sheeol.okeol.ctheol.shkeeo.qockheol.daiin.shy.
f101r1.P.4b csol.okeeor.ctody.chkchol.doteoda.okeol.daisin.okeey.okeey.dairin.
f101r1.P.5 daiin.ctheol.cheol.okor.or.aiin.cheol.cho.keeo.dchey.okol.okeol.
f101r1.P.5b dor.chol.chy.r.aiin.oteol.oraiin.olchey.oteeod.sheol.okeol.chosaiin.sheom.
f101r1.P.6 okeeol.sho.shody.sho.shol.okeeeol.cheos.sheokeey.sheeor.chchy.
f101r1.P.6b chodaiin.sheeckhey.teeol.scheol.sar.oeeor
f101r1.P.7 cphoar.oaiin.ypcholy.daiin.otaiin.otaiin.yfolaiin.fcheolain.ypchey.ypho*o.
f101r1.P.7b shotey.odariin.sheoor.sheor.ckheey.ykhey.qokchey.cholp.cheol.dy.
f101r1.P.8 olaiin.oteol.chor.oteey.chokchey.kor.daiin.shok.chol.chol.qoky.daiin.ol.s
f101r1.P.8b .al.ydar.daiin.or.ory.okeey.daiin.shea.daiin.okol.chear.
f101r1.P.9 daiin.okeol.qokcheol.ykeor.dar.ol.otechy.ykeor.dor.aiin.chls.cheol.
f101r1.P.9b okol.shey.qodar.soiin.choko.qokeol.daiin.odar.okchol.cheor.chety.
f101r1.P.10 *kor.aithy.ol.chs.sho.olcheeol.kalshey.okeoly.oiin.aiioly
f101v2.P.1 tolchor.cheopor.or.ody.cpheyr.shee.fol.soiin.otsheey.oto*.
f101v2.P.1b *
f101v2.P.1a or.aiin.or.o.or.omam.chor.s.aiin.okor.cheeor.sheeol.qokol*.
f101v2.P.1ab *ol.qoor.cheey.qokeod.oeeo.r.choy.s.okeeody.chodaiin.cthy.okody.dar.
f101v2.P.2 ycheor.oeo.dain.cheokal.ykhody.cheeods.oraiin.qoeey.cthey*.
f101v2.P.2b *eocthy.dain.chedo.dydy
f101v2.P.3b *opcheol.cthey.qekeoldy.qocthor.sheody.qockheey.odaiin.sho.ytolaiir.sodaiin.dy.
f101v2.P.4 oaiin.ol.olor.daiin.okeey.qok.ykeol.daiin.qockhy.daiin.olch*.
f101v2.P.4b *dar.qokeol.dol.oraiin.oldaiin.keeol.*
f101v2.P.5 teeal.sheol.qokeor.qkhol.olchor.chokey.chor.ctheey.da*s*.
f101v2.P.5b *daiin.cheeody.cheey.keo.cheol.daiiin.deeor.cheedy
f101v2.P.6 daiin.dair.yteol.chor.qockhol.daiin.ckheey.chey.kchey.dos*.
f101v2.P.6b *iin.okeey.ckheo.lcheody.kcheol.daiin.eteeys.ctheody.ctheockhosho.olchor.
f101v2.P.7 olaiin.okeol.cheo.kol.ches.sheey.qoor.qokeody.cheor.okey*.
f101v2.P.7b *oiin.cheey.cthey.ory.ctheey.qokeey.shol.ody.cheol.oralar.shey.qokarary.
f101v2.P.8 sol.chol.choly.okeey.dal.qol.shckheol.chol.cthear.keey*.
f101v2.P.8b *cheeo.ol.chs.oraiin.qokeeey.saiir.qodaiin.cheol.qokeey.daiin.cheodam

