Quire 20: f103-116 : stars in margin

Quire 20: Pages f103-116 : counting stars in margin

f103r: 19 stars

f103v: 14

f104r: 13

f104v: 13

f105r: 10 (incl 1 on top of page)



f106r: 15 (+1 tiny star)

f106v: 14

f107r: 15 (… three little dots near star)

f107v: 15


f108r: 16

f108v: 16

f111r: 17

f111v: 19

f112r: 12


f112v: 13 (first two paragraphs = first two stars,  are indented)

f113r: 16

f113v: 15

f114r: 13

f114v: 12


f115r: 13

f115v: 13

f116r:  10 + afterword.

Number of pages: 23



23/24 = letters of the alphabet ?

23/24 = hours of the day

Stars:  amount of stars in zodiac/ constellations?

Stars: paragraphs?: no. There are also pieces that have more stars than paragraphs, or less.


Pages Rearranged:

Assuming that the afterword is indeed the last page:


f103r: 19 stars in margin

f111v: 19

f111r: 17

f108r: 16

f108v: 16

f113r: 16


f106r: 15 (+1 tiny star)

f113v: 15

f107r: 15 (… three little dots near star)

f107v: 15


f103v: 14

f106v: 14


f112v:  13 (first two paragraphs = first two stars,  are indented)

f114r: 13

f115r: 13

f115v: 13

f104r: 13

f104v: 13


f114v: 12

f112r: 12


f105r: 10 (incl 1 on top of page)


f116r:  10 + afterword.


Testcase: linking the pages to zodiac stars


Now i took 2 different pictures and counted the stars in them:


 starcount AVG
aquarius 13 13 13
capricorn 10 11 11
sagittarius 20 22 21
scorpio 15 15 15
libra 8 8 8
virgo 13 13 13
leo 9 9 9
cancer 5 5 5
gemini 11 13 12
taurus 12 11 12
aries 4 4 4
pisces 17 17 17


aries 4
cancer 5
libra 8
leo 9
capricorn 11
taurus 12
gemini 12
aquarius 13
virgo 13
scorpio 15
pisces 17
sagittarius 21


Assuming we need 2 pages to be connected to a zodiac for 20 pages or 10 zodiac, then there are pages left and 2 zodiacs. Difficulty here arises, because i do not know if the order of the pages is original or not.

For example we could get:

starcount zodiac zodiac stars
f105r: 10 (incl 1 on top of page) 10 ?? aries 4
f105v: 10 10 ?? cancer 5
f116r:  10 + afterword. 10 ???
f112r: 12 12 libra 8
f112v: 13 (first two paragraphs = first two stars) 13
f104r: 13 13 leo 9
f104v: 13 13
f114v: 12 12 capricorn 11
f114r: 13 13
f115r: 13 13 taurus 12
f115v: 13 13
f103v: 14 14 ???
f106v: 14 14 gemini 12
f106r: 15 (+1 tiny star) 15
f107r: 15 (… three little dots near star) 15 aquarius 13
f107v: 15 15
f113v: 15 15 virgo 13
f113r: 16 16
f108r: 16 16 scorpio 15
f108v: 16 16
f111r: 17 17 pisces 17
f103r: 19 stars 19 sagittarius 21
f111v: 19 19


Q: Are there words on these pages exclusively that are

also words / labels on the ‘zodiac-pages’ in the VMS?

