Fluids: wassertrakate

It is still not known what the apparent fluids in the manuscript should represent.
Here are some suggestions:

  • Rosenwasser & distilled water
  • Aqua ardens
  • Aqua Vitae, simplex & compositum
  • Oleum benedictum (destilliertes Ziegensteinöl = goat stone)
  • Aurum potabile
  • Verwendung der destillation beim herstellen von arzneien
  • Produkte von echten chemischen operationen
  • Blutdestillation: epitsola magistri Arnaldi de villa nova ad magistrum Jacobum de Toleto (Letter of Magister Arnaldus von Villanova to magister Jacobus von Toledo).
    Menschenblut: Hans-Joachim Romswinkel writes de sanguine humano destillato


Janus Lacinius, Pretiosa Margarita Novella, 1577 -1583


BL MS Harley 5399:
Bl 51. Aqua Vitae
Bl 75. Raymund Lull: Aqua Vitae
Bl 121. Vina Medicinalia
Bl 145. Auto potabili
Bl 167. Consideratione quintae essentiae
Bl 339 Aqua physicales 12
Bl 347 De oleis
Bl 385 De sole resoluto ~ Auto potabile


Johannus von Fulda, Uni Basel. Pharmaziehistorisches Museum, 1449, ‘Ars Hermetis’
Wasser traktate
Rosmarin traktet. Bl. 20
Blutdestillation Bl 16
Aqua vitte Bl 20
Herstellkung Eisenacetat, gegen wassersucht Bl 26?


Ulrich Ellenbog 1464. Feldkirch.
Kantonbibliothek St. Gallen Vadanische Sammlung Cod 429

Rupescissa, pseudoarnaldischen Bluttrakta Bl 26
Aqua vita Bl 27
Aurum potabile Bl 175 (Recipe limature solis nune purificati, solve in aceto)
“Drinkgold: Take purified gold dust solved in vinagar”


Similar traktate 1475:   Mellon Collection  MS14.  Yale university.
Johannes von Rupescissa. De consideratione quinte essentie.
Arnaldus von Villanova. Epistolum Iacobum de Toleto: blut.
Johannes Obrist. Aurum potabilis
Nicolaus Cladii: opus super autum potabile.


Collectanea alchymica. 1485. Johannes de Weyer.
(not: Hexenwahns)  Dresden MS N101
Pratica des Gallus von Prag: wassertrakate




Religion und Gesundheit: Der heilkundliche Diskurs im 16. Jahrhundert

The contributors to this anthology present a fascinating spectrum of research, dealing partly with Theophrast von Hohenheim (Paracelsus .  ca 1493-1541 ) and partly with the scientific discourse on health and illness in general in the Early Modern Era in the context of religion and medicine. How did people view trained doctors, what did they think about the various teaching methods, or about balneology? What perspective did they take on the plague, and how was insanity viewed?

Paracelsus und die Quellen seiner medizinischen Alchemie:


Balneologisches Wissen zwischen Antike und früher Neuzeit

Titel Religion und Gesundheit: Der heilkundliche Diskurs im 16. Jahrhundert
Volume 3 van Theophrastus Paracelsus Studien
Redacteur Albrecht Classen. University of Arizona, Tucson, USA.
Uitgever Walter de Gruyter, 2011
ISBN 3110259419, 9783110259414
416 pages



L0014988 Portrait of Paracelsus. Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images images@wellcome.ac.uk http://wellcomeimages.org Portrait of Paracelsus, half-length holding sword, in oval, with grotesque surround. For J.J. Boissard, Icones et effigies, 1645. Engraving Published: - Copyrighted work available under Creative Commons Attribution only licence CC BY 4.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
L0014988 Portrait of Paracelsus.
Credit: Wellcome Library, London. Wellcome Images
Portrait of Paracelsus, half-length holding sword, in oval, with grotesque surround. For J.J. Boissard, Icones et effigies, 1645.
Published: –
Copyrighted work available under Creative Commons Attribution only licence CC BY 4.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/


Paracelsus (Note: higher than Celsus) is often potrayed with mysterious powder Azoth or Zoth secredted in the pommel of his sword. In one of the arcane verses Nostradamus used the word Asotus, which may relate to this. From:

Titel The Nostradamus Code Auteur David Ovason Uitgever Random House, 2013 ISBN 1446409457, 9781446409459 Lengte 656 pagina’s


The symbol of Paracelus:   read more.
